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Cleveland County Fair redux

The trouble with taking a shower is that I always get ideas in the shower.  I think.  And I’ve just been thinking about my earlier post, where I mentioned that the boys got “Democrats Care” stickers.  I did not.  First, I do not like things that seek to divide.  Democrats do care–most of them anyway.  But so do Republicans–most of them anyway.  As do Libertarians… I’m sort of a Libertarian Democrat; I can attest that at least that kid of Libertarian cares, at least about some things.  Everyone cares about something (and we all pretty much agree on death and taxes, when it comes down to it).

We should all be caring about what is happening in the Middle East.  And of course most politicians are, but most, mostly, care primarily indirectly.  They care first about the political outcome of any vote they make, any opinion they express.  I am not a politician, so I can freely state that I do not support any military action in Syria.  I cannot see how it could possibly do any good, and there are far too many ways that it could do great harm.

I should specify that I do not support unilateral military action.  Does anyone even say unilateral anymore?  I am trying not to read the news, so perhaps someone is.  Because I would support an international coalition; that is, a fully UN sanctioned and jointly carried out military operation in Syria.  Not that I am sure it would have any greater success; it would simply have less risk of failure on a big scale.

And yes, that is related to my not sporting a Democrats Care sticker today.  Obama’s move to let Congress decide about Syria for him was very intelligent.  It won’t make his enemies love him, and it will make some few of his supporters like him less; but bypassing Congress would have made many more supporters hate him without winning over any enemies.  And at least this way military action doesn’t look as likely.  Of course, if the rest of the UN Security Council voted to take action, he’d be in trouble.  But there’s another very slim likelihood.

I am a registered Democrat, newly a minority; registering to vote at the Republican Party Booth at the Humboldt County Fair is almost as bad as registering to vote democrat in Oklahoma.  I will probably continue to vote for the lesser of two evils, which will continue to be the Democratic candidate in the foreseeable future.  But Democrats Care is a stupid slogan.

2 thoughts on “Cleveland County Fair redux”

  1. Well said, Jessica. Your insight into the political process makes me think you'd enjoy the Netflix series "House of Cards." Not exactly uplifting, but it sure makes you think. Might even make you glad you live in the Midwest, not D.C., and that, we both know, is a feat! -Gwen

  2. Ha! I do love D.C., but it's easier in some ways to live here. I'll have to check out House of Cards at some point.

    And by the way, R. is having a trial violin lesson today, finally. Potential teacher runs orchestra group for kids at the university (R tried the more advanced one yesterday; high school kids, but he said he "wasn't nearly the worst") and plays with OKC symphony orchestra.

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